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Infinity Acres Squareup Updates

Submitted by Lutzar on Tue, 08/17/2021 - 17:26

The owner of Infinity Acres ( needed help setting up an online store for the services offered at their place of business.

1) set up meeting with owner to assess their needs

2) defined needs clearly with owner

3) familiarized ourselves with the Square dashboard

3) over the period of the next few weeks (based on availability of owner and volunteers), we conducted several zoom calls to meet the needs of the owner while educating the owner on how they would be able to maintain their needs moving forward within the Square dashboard

4) met the needs of the owner with instructions on how to contact CFC should any unseen complications arise.

5) 8.17.21 - was contacted by owner about low stock notifications. Disabled stock tracking since this was no longer needed. Confirmed with owner.